10 Weird Wheeled Devices

Sometimes, “reinventing the wheel” isn’t a bad idea at all. Is it always useful? Well, that’s up for debate. Regardless, since its invention in ancient

15 Athletes Who Would Thrive in the Zombie Apocalypse

Most of us have given thought about what we’d do if we were stuck in the zombie apocalypse. If you’re anything like us, you map out an escape route wherever you go no matter how insane that might sound to anyone you actually tell that little detail to, but those guys won’t be laughing when the zombies come and you’re the only one with an actual plan.

4 Most Unfortunate Motorsport Races

While many fans deny it, the appeal of auto racing is often in the ever-present danger of a fiery crash. We all know the drivers and spectators alike can be easily killed; after all, it’s been happening for over a hundred years.

5 Almost Sports That Left Us Too Soon

Not every sport is treated with respect, nor are they given any credibility. That's because it's very difficult to break the mold effectively without succumbing

Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Start Betting On The Premier League and the...

As you already know, football is one of the most famous sports in the world, as well as one that...

8 Tips for Sports or eSports Betting With the Right Bookmaker

Do you know what a legit bookmaker looks like? We can give you some general understanding. After all, this knowledge...

5 Wrestlers Who Are Better Off When They’re Jerks

One of the more interesting aspects of pro-wrestling over the past ten to fifteen years is that the bigger a jerk you are, the more fans you gain. The

Five Soccer Matches (That You Should Probably Care About)

Soccer is sometimes called the world’s game, which helps make the term “World Cup” less presumptuous. And while the World Cup may see a large and

How to Watch Soccer Anywhere ─ A Constant Traveler’s Ultimate Guide

For soccer fans constantly on the move, keeping up with the latest games can feel like a daunting task. Whether...

4 Sports Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories are often the product of the paranoid minds. But mix in professional sports, an industry known for crazy happenings and mafia influence, and things get a little more believable…