6 Weird Places Where People Actually Live

When we are kids, we often imagine ourselves living in some magnificent, albeit ridiculous places. Castles, moon bases, hobbit holes, submarines, and the list

7 Totally Absurd Food Contests From Around the Globe

When it comes to healthy eating and a good diet, everyone knows that moderation is the key. However, some food fans around the world have changed the boundaries of what we can eat in normal amounts. Competitive eating is almost like an extreme sport these days and you might not have known that various kinds of eating contests exist all around the world. Most of those food contests are likely to im

These 9 Stories Will Change the Way You Think About Homeless People

Everyone has a story, no matter how insignificant we may think they are. These nine people, all having faced tragic or difficult circumstances, prove that we all can have an impact on the world around us, for better or worse.

5 Selfies That Didn’t Exactly Go According to Plan

Selfies are a great way of capturing fun but getting famous or going viral on the internet is becoming harder and harder to achieve today. A lot of people will do anything, literally anything to get an interesting selfie that will earn many likes and reactions. However, that's when there's a huge chance for things to really go wrong, and plenty of weird stories have happened involving people who w

These 9 Documentaries Lied to You

For many people documentaries are a mind-expanding experience. We watch them to learn some new truth or to expand our worldview. Despite our expectations there's nothing about a documentary that makes it immune to deception. Here's a list of nine documentaries that bent the truth for various reasons.

9 Secrets of the Real Illuminati You Are Not Meant to Know

Secret societies have been long drawing the attention of people, particularly conspiracy theorists; and of course, the Illuminati are no exception. The notorious secret society is often associated with various dark and evil things, ranging from causing wars and revolutions to the concept of the “New World Order.” As the Illuminati operate in ultimate secrecy, not much information about their activ

20 of the Most Terrifying Things Kids Have Ever Said

Kids say the darndest things, as the old saying goes. They also say some of the most horrifying things, as well. Most of the time it’s just because they don’t know any better, but now and then something slips out that is positively freaky, and it seems like just about everyone has heard a story about something they said, a friend said, or even their own kids have said that scared them witless. Ove

The 3 Strangest Cases of Mass Hysteria Ever Recorded

Mass hysteria involves more than one person spontaneously exhibiting physical symptoms… may we suggest left-clicking this link?

6 Weird Suicides – Suicide Attempts

Sometimes you just can’t get what you want... your favorite band might be breaking up, maybe you were dumped, or perhaps that TV show you decided to obsess

7 Shocking Deaths That Happened in Graveyards

For most of us, cemeteries represent a peaceful but sad place where we remember our lost loved ones and honor their memory. But graveyards can also be a terrifying place, especially at night when not a living soul is to be found there. An eerie fog can surround the headstones, owls, black cats and all sorts of creatures of the night can roam around, and it seems like a lot of supernatural things c