5 Alien Characteristics That Science Disproves

A wise man once said that science is like the blabbermouth who ruins the ending to a movie. Science just has a way of ruining things: dreams of flying cars, religious dogma and even our beloved cinematic aliens…

5 Strange Eating Disorders

Most of us are familiar with certain eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia are the major focus in the media and most commonly covered in health classes /

6 Bizarre Perception Syndromes

In general, syndromes aren't the kinds of things that you'd want to have. Just the word "syndrome" gives us the shudders. We think that it's especially uncool

20 Weirdest Case Mods We Could Find

Comic-Con, computer encasement modifications (or case mods) are one of those areas where being a huge nerd intersects with being an artist. Of course, the work

5 More Famous People and Their Inventions Everyone Forgets

It has been said that "The history of the world is but the biography of great men". In fact, we said it in a previous article. But more importantly, the phrase

5 Old and Ancient Robots

Science fiction paints robots as hi-tech futuristic creations, but robots (or “automatons” for those of us with a pinch of class) are much older than most

5 Accidental Discoveries

It’s better to be lucky than good. At least, it was for these people who stumbled upon the invention that made them famous enough to be included in stupid internet list articles.

Bizarre Cases of UFO Sightings

Generally, we regard people who claim to have encountered aliens are regarded as kooks, or drunks, or just plain insane. However, over the years there have been so many claims that now and then you almost have to start at least entertaining the idea that some folks have had a close encounter, with some experiences seemingly more convincing than others. Here are a few of the most persuasive tales t

Five Companies That Want to Put You in Outer Space

When you’re trying to inspire (read: lie to) children, you tell them they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. This simply isn’t true;

The 10 Tackiest Things Only the Superrich Can Afford

"If you've got it, flaunt it." A rule that the super-rich increasingly take to heart. Lest you thought rich people deserved respect, here's a sample of what