10 Bizarre Phenomena

[display_podcast]1.Ball LightningThis bizarre electrical phenomenon usually occurs during thunderstorms and lasts for up to thirty seconds. Balls of

The 5 Weirdest Things People Have Fallen in Love With

1. The Berlin WallIn the last months of 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down and Germans were tearfully reunited with long lost friends and family, most people

Alien Abduction – Partially Explained

When somebody tells us that they have seen a UFO, we tend to believe that they are telling the truth. Oh, they might not have seen an actual alien craft - it

10 Bizarre Things That Fell From the Sky

People see strange things in the sky all the time. From UFOs to angels, people tend to see some fantastic things above us. But the things that come down from the sky aren't always fantastic: they're outright terrifying, especially when there's no explanation for them.

5 Old and Ancient Robots

Science fiction paints robots as hi-tech futuristic creations, but robots (or “automatons” for those of us with a pinch of class) are much older than most

10 Weirdest Phones

Phones, we all use them. Some of us prefer just a cell phone, others prefer a land line, and, yet, some of us have both. No matter what kind of phone you

Five Companies That Want to Put You in Outer Space

When you’re trying to inspire (read: lie to) children, you tell them they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. This simply isn’t true;

10 Most Bizarre Phobias

Just about everyone is afraid of something. It may not rational and it might not even make sense but we allow these phobias to control some part of our lives.

5 Weird Uses of Viagra

Viagra - the little blue pill that could... give you wood. Since becoming available in 1998 the erection inducing pharmaceutical has became a permanent part of

5 Weird Modern Day Military Weapons

Since the days of our early ancestors, mankind has been gradually improving on ways to hurt and kill each other. In the age of technology, the ability to