5 Best to Worst Youngified Movie Characters

Thanks to computers, Hollywood effects are making giant leaps forward in terms of fooling audiences. The problem with being on the cutting edge is that a couple of months and a few million dollars can be the difference between your effect blowing minds or just blowing.

6 Soul Crushing Classic Television Theme Show Songs

TV themes in the 2000’s mostly consist of instrumentals. The 90’s had lighthearted pop or short jingles. But back in the day, TV execs funneled all the horror and pain they weren’t allowed to make characters endure right into those opening credits…

The 7 Most Frivolous Street Fighter Characters

There are many beloved characters from beloved video game franchises that transcend their original incarnation and take on a life of their own. These aren’t them.

Actors Who Are Absolutely Necessary in the New Star Wars Trilogy

When the announcement was made that Star Wars would be making sequels, the cry came out wondering whether we would see Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie

5 Movies You Might Not Know Were Remakes

Hollywood is so devoid of original ideas these days that it’s rare to see a flick hit the screen that wasn’t already a TV show, book, video game, action figure or amusement park ride. And when it’s not one of those, it’s probably just a remake, even if you hadn’t heard of the original…

7 Aliens Who Probably Won’t Be Seen in Upcoming Star Trek Movies

This is, as you know, the internet. And as people who put things on the internet, we would be remiss if we appeared to be ignoring the next Star Trek movie in any way. Even if that means doing some pre-analysis. Live long and prosper!

5 Embarrassing Celebrity Marriages

It’s hard to say why we care so much about celebrities. It’s also ridiculous how much stock we put in the act of marriage. Combine the two, throw in a dash of shame, and you can pretty much print money instead of articles.

Five Lowest Points in Advergaming History

Back in the day, companies would sponsor things. Television and radio programs, athletes, pretty much anything to get their message across. But for some reason, when video games came along, they thought they could just cut out the middle man and do everything themselves.

Four Star Wars Technologies We Almost Have

We are truly approaching a golden age. Not because of things like cancer treatments or drought resistant crops, but because soon we may be able to possess Star Wars stuff that extends beyond bedsheets and toys…

4 Strange Celebrity Death Conspiracy Theories

The problem with the level of worship people show for celebrities is that when they inevitably reveal that they are just regular people by, say, dying… some of their fans just can’t handle it.