6 Reasons We’re Loving Community

Community is a great new series playing on NBC that follows the shenanigans of a group of students attending Greendale Community College. If you're anything

5 Great Chick Flicks for Guys

Most female oriented movies or “chick flicks” are like a slow acting toxin to men. However, over the course of a marriage or perhaps an excessively long couples weekend, you’re going to have to watch one. These are your best options.

9 Awful Movie Tie-Ins

We live in a world full of advertising and cross promotions. As sad as that may be, it's absolutely true: every movie released in America needs to be adapted

Seven Writers Not Even Death Could Slow Down

It's inevitable; rich or poor, kind or evil, good or bad… eventually, the Grim Reaper comes a-knocking and everyone has to answer the door, no matter what

The Ten Weirdest Spook Songs

Sometimes you need a little eerie music. A little spooky mixed with a little strangeness and musicians have answered the call.LinkWeird Spooky Song

Four Big Divisions in Movie Monster Portrayals

If you’re like us (and by you’re reading this, you forfeit any claims of individuality), you enjoy a good horror flick. Also, you think that one of the

Top 10 Songs About Masturbation

Sex is an integral part of the human experience. Self-love is a very common sexual experience (perhaps the most common, even.) So it really should not be a

6 Cool Mockumentaries You Should Totally Watch

The mockumentary genre exists today because at some point in history, a revolutionary filmmaker, probably known only as “jerkass” to his family and friends,

The Possible Non-Delusional Life of Mental Patient Bruce Wayne

Ah Batman. Touted as the “plausible superhero”. I mean, with the right training and gadgets and backstory and billions of dollars, you could be Batman, right? But what if… what if not even Bruce Wayne could be Batman?

4 Unexpected Celebrity Children’s Book Authors

It’s not really any secret that sometimes a celebrity will decide that he or she has some brilliant bit of wisdom they wish to impart to today’s little