7 Ways Computer Glitches Can, and Have, Ruined Your Day

Computer glitches are one of the annoyances of modern society. Even when you factor out the people creating viruses and other scams, pure human error can turn

Six Annoying Chores That Used to Be Much Worse

We know that tasks such as getting rid of cobwebs, dusting, setting the table, watering houseplants, scrubbing the tub and cleaning mirrors haven't changed much

5 Examples of Rural Entertainment That Could End in Disaster

According to that country song - we think it's called something like "Every Country Song You've Ever Heard Accidently (Because You Don't Really Listen to

10 Things to Know About Torture (Infographic)

From primitive weight devices that literally squish you to death to 'modern' techniques such as water boarding, torture has a long dark history. This

3 Unbelievable Encounters (With the Real Men in Black)

Here come the Men in Black and, according to the song, they won’t let you remember. But that’s just one of the many falsehoods popularized by the 1997 film

8 Insane Gold Products

Gold is actually an intensely useful metal these days. As a great conductor it's part of your day-to-day electronics use. Thanks to cell phones, video players

4 Unluckiest Live Performances Ever

Ask some fans of live performances why they prefer live to say, movies and one answer you will often get is this: You never know if someone is going to die.

4 Things People Refuse to Believe Aren’t Real

When you’re growing up, it’s fun to play make believe. You can be anything you want, and the world is open to limitless possibilities. But eventually, you

6 Weirdest Traditions Still Respected Nowadays

We all have strange family traditions, but however traumatizing it may be to see your uncle get drunk every Thanksgiving and wrestle with the turkey because

10 Times the World Didn’t Stop Revolving

According to some the Aztec calendar ends at 2012 causing many to speculate the world will come to an end sometime after 2011. That doesn’t give you as much