5 Spooky Mountain Mysteries No One Can Explain

There are many stories and legends about strange things happening in mountains all around the world. A majestic and isolated quality makes mountains seem like the ideal place for weird and creepy things to happen, especially if they are located far away from civilization. Here are some scary and bizarre mysteries that happened in the mountains and were never explained or solved.

6 Scariest Cases of Demonic Hauntings That Could Be Real

Many people have claimed that their homes were haunted by ghosts and other evil beings, and many have said that they ended up getting injured or scared to death. The most vicious of those evil beings are said to come from the pits of hell itself, in the form of demons. There are some terrifying stories from people who experienced an encounter with a demonic entity, and here are some that sound tru

Creepy Mirror Urban Legends

With the up coming Halloween season, the creepy stories will begin to surface. Who hasn’t heard of an urban legend or two? Every legend can have a bit of

5 Weird Airplane Crashes

There are reasons that people are afraid to fly. It is because of news reports and pictures of plane accidents. Some of these deadly scenes can scare people

5 Weird Cases of the Billy Bob Thornton Death Curse

Billy Bob Thornton the actor from such films as Sling Blade and Monster’s Ball might seem a little rough around the edges or perhaps even a bit quirky at

The Best and Worst Theories About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Over the last several weeks, the story that has dominated headlines has been the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which departed from Kuala Lumpur and began making its way to Beijing, only to drop completely off the radar and vanish 40 minutes into the flight. Naturally, conspiracy theories and tales of potential hijackings gone awry have sprung up all around the internet. Some of th

5 Mysterious Alien Sightings From Ancient History

UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters are a modern phenomenon that became popular around the world in the 1950s, and while they seem to occur daily these days, some strange events were witnessed throughout history, thousands of years before our time. Some extremely mysterious and eerie events were recorded and witnessed by many people in ancient times, and from today's point of view, these

5 Haunted Places

Halloween is upon us once again. Personally, it is my favorite time of year. The fall weather, the kids dressing up and trick or treating, the ghost stories,

6 Top Haunted Attractions to Visit in 2024

Wouldn’t it be amazing to take the time to travel abroad to find macabre cemeteries, haunted castles, and other haunted...

6 Rock Stars From the Sixties Who Said They Encountered Aliens

The sixties will always be remembered for being among the most important periods of the previous century. The decade expanded people's minds and broadened their horizons about what was possible and marked a true revolution. The emergence of the counterculture and rise of different forms of rock music directly tackled some of the biggest social issues. However, a lot of rock stars had some bizarre,