20 Awesome Facts About Star Wars

People are getting excited about the new Star Wars movie that’s due to come out next year, and rightfully so. Even with the missteps that were the prequels, it remains one of the great modern American stories of all-time. Sure, it was highly derivative and didn’t always feature the best writing in the world, but as far as good versus evil goes, when it comes to the world of film it just doesn’t ge

10 Amazing Movies That Opened to Shockingly Bad Reviews

Behind every good movie are bad reviews. Very few movies are met with universal acclaim out of the gate, but it can still be surprising to look back on now classic or cult movies and see what complaints critics had.

4 Strange Mistakes in the James Bond Universe

The James Bond series is known for its awesome action, beautiful women, cool gadgets. With all that stuff going on, it’s natural that some mistakes are going to sneak by.

Dexter’s Big Bads: From Best to Worst

The Guinness Book of World Records was created to end arguments in pubs. Internet lists ranking characters from TV shows were created to start them. Dexter fans: discuss.

The Most Evil Children’s Television Program in Existence

Kids shows tend to be annoying to everyone over the age of 10, usually because they’re all about teaching valuable life lessons you already knew. Also,

7 Movie Mentors Who Failed Miserably

The desire for a mentor is deep-seated in the human race. Someone to teach hand-to-hand combat and ancient ninja skills so that we can go on to save the

5 of TV’s Worst Lawyers

Lawyers are some of the most educated people in the world today, spending more time in a classroom looking at big books with lots of words and no pictures than

6 Reasons Highlander Is Awesome

Chances are good that you've seen the movie Highlander. Released in 1986 it starred Christopher Lambert as an immortal Scottish swordsman (hence "Highlander,"

Album Synchronicity: a Guide to a Favorite Stoner Hobby

Stoners are always making innovative and unique discoveries. New ways to grow w**d, new ways to smoke w**d, new ways to conceal w**d… if it’s w**d-related,

7 Horror Movies Based on Even More Terrifying Events From Real Life

Most good horror movies can give us a real adrenaline rush, and there are some that are so scary, they can even make us want to sleep with the lights on. We can cope with the twisted and uneasy world of horror flicks by reassuring ourselves that all of the stories are fictional and that those horrible events never really happened. But, have you ever considered that some of your favorite horror mov