5 Reasons it Would Totally Suck to Live in the South Park Universe

South Park is, without a doubt, one of the greatest cartoons ever made. It has had amazing longevity, running 13 years on Comedy Central at a time when adults

5 Ways That Magic Is Portrayed in Fiction

What is magic? If you're like us, magic is something that you wished desperately would become part of your life until you were way past the time when most

The Most Bizarre Directors Working in Hollywood

The world of cinema can be an extremely exclusive place; it’s tough as hell to break into, with poor film school graduates slaving away, fetching coffee for

5 TV Shows You Didn’t Realize Were Spinoffs

Television spinoffs are always hit or miss, and more often than not are big misses. There have been a lot of terrible spinoffs over the years, and even the most successful spinoffs are so great because they bear such a strong connection to the original show that, at least to an extent, a sentimental connection convinces fans to watch from the jump. However, some spinoffs are hardly recognizable as

7 MORE Assholes From 80’s Movies Who Got What They Deserved

If there’s one thing 80’s movies had greater abundance than piss poor computer graphics, it was smug assholes in need of some correction.

8 Ridiculous Close Combat Fight Scenes

Quick: think of one thing you've seen people/robots/mutants/aliens do in movies that you wish you could do. Perhaps you wished that you could fly, or breathe

7 Movie Mentors Who Failed Miserably

The desire for a mentor is deep-seated in the human race. Someone to teach hand-to-hand combat and ancient ninja skills so that we can go on to save the

TV Show Crossovers 7 Bizarre and Unexpected Causes

Television crossovers are not exactly new, and typically come during sweeps week and are advertised as big “events” to try to draw big ratings. It’s not out of the ordinary for, say, Ray Romano to crossover onto King of Queens since they’re made by the same people, and the characters clearly exist in the same world. However, now and then you get some television crossovers that are so out of nowher

Bizarre, Shocking and Outrageously Funny – 10 Controversial TV Comedies

TV comedies have always dared to go where other TV shows fear to tread. They challenge convention in the search for bigger laughs and in doing so can make a

6 Actors We Hate…and the Real Reasons Why

Come with us on a breathtaking journey through your subconscious prejudices as we expose the rationale behind your loathing of the rich and famous. It’ll be cathartic. We promise.