5 Horrendous Movie Performances by Non-Actors

Every once in awhile an athlete or so-called “celebrity” will try to capitalize on his or her fame by appearing in a movie. Now and then the results are

7 Great Movies You’ll Probably Never See

We always talk about how there’s so little originality in Hollywood, with everything coming out seemingly a sequel, a remake, a reboot, or based on some other existing property. But there are original ideas floating around Hollywood, and they are ideas that would make for terrific films. The trouble is that, for whatever reason, they can never seem to get past the script stage. Here are some of th

5 Ways That Magic Is Portrayed in Fiction

What is magic? If you're like us, magic is something that you wished desperately would become part of your life until you were way past the time when most

Four Big Divisions in Movie Monster Portrayals

If you’re like us (and by you’re reading this, you forfeit any claims of individuality), you enjoy a good horror flick. Also, you think that one of the

5 Fictional Murderers We Can’t Help but Love

Okay, we’re going to make a pretty controversial statement here, right off the bat: killing is bad. We know, we’re taking a pretty crazy stance on the

9 Myths That Movies Believe About Explosives

Filmmakers are always stretching the truth for the sake of entertainment. The biggest victim of these fabrications is the action movie staple… the humble explosion.

6 Badass Movie Kids

As a general rule, kids are not remotely ba?a*s. They are small, typically frail and weak, not particularly adept with bazookas and just generally

These 9 Documentaries Lied to You

For many people documentaries are a mind-expanding experience. We watch them to learn some new truth or to expand our worldview. Despite our expectations there's nothing about a documentary that makes it immune to deception. Here's a list of nine documentaries that bent the truth for various reasons.

Best Bollywood Music Movies

Whether you have watched hundreds of Bollywood musicals or if you are completely unaware of Bollywood's existence, this is the...

The 3 Easiest Movie Prisons to Escape From

If you ever find yourself in the slammer in a Hollywood movie, you’d best establish whether you’re in a gritty reality piece or a prison break flick. That distinction will make the difference between toiling away for 50 years and peacing out in a 10 minute scene…