5 Movie Remakes No One Actually Wants

Hollywood has been running out of ideas for a long time, and in fact probably a lot longer than you even realize. Remakes are not exactly a new idea, either, since Hollywood will take something that either worked or should have worked and then churn out another attempt at it. Some remakes are justified, but others? Well, others are just baffling, because we can’t come close to figuring out who act

10 Shameless Movie Sequels You Never Knew Existed

These days, it feels like movie reboots and, more commonly, sequels are pretty much all we ever see in at the movie theater. Hollywood is so bereft of original ideas that a studio will just decide to take an idea that has proven successful and crap out additional iterations of what basically amounts to the same story over, and over, and over. Of course, some sequels are even more absurd than other

4 Intriguing Questions TV Shows Never Answered

Great television shows often raise a lot of questions as part of creating their own mythologies and plotlines, and we as an audience are rewarded with hopefully satisfying answers if we stick around long enough to find them out. Unfortunately in some cases, shows are canceled before they are given a chance to answer some of those intriguing questions, and in other cases, apparently the writers eit

8 Most Insane Movie Conspiracies Only Adults Will Understand

Just like a novel or a story, every film sends a powerful message to the public. The message is often quite clear, although there are times when you need to brood upon the movie for a while in order to get it completely. However, as films include an incredible number of details, there is so much more to them than just the plot and message. Namely, some theorists observe every single detail, trying

6 Skills Every Action Hero Should Have

Raise your hand if you wish that you were an action hero in a movie. Okay, we meant that figuratively (we're not at your house watching you, we swear!), but you

8 Incredible Facts About Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is an absolute juggernaut. There’s no denying it. Along with Walking Dead, you’d be hard pressed to find a television show that gets more online chatter that George R.R. Martin’s epic saga. Heck, just look at YouTube at all of the incredible reactions to the Red Wedding last season to get an idea of how devoted its fan base really is. But there are plenty of really cool facts about

13 Famous Fictional Characters You Didn’t Know Were Based on Real People

Through all mediums of entertainment - music, movies, books, and so forth - we get attached to the truly great, fleshed out characters who just jump off the page or screen and stick with us for one reason or another. We love characters like Han Solo or Spider-Man, but obviously we realize that people like that could never exist in the real world. But there are some famous, beloved fictional charac

6 Movie Cameos That Weren’t Meant to Be

A clever cameo won’t make or break a movie but it can be more than enough to get people talking. For example, Mel Gibson was originally set to have a cameo

5 Incredible Movies Actually Based on Real Life

Real life is often crazier than film. Some unbelievable movies were actually based on real events that unfolded even more unbelievably. Yes, zombies do exist.

Top 4 Reasons the Twilight Zone Is the King of Sci-Fi

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind… we’re