The 4 Biggest Badasses in Action Movie History

Every movie, no matter how tiny the budget or unknown the star, needs to create characters that viewers will care about enough to last the length of the movie.

6 Badass Movie Priests

Movies have always been littered with badass characters, ranging from soldiers to gangsters to knights to cops to, well, pretty much anything you can think of.

8 Ridiculous Close Combat Fight Scenes

Quick: think of one thing you've seen people/robots/mutants/aliens do in movies that you wish you could do. Perhaps you wished that you could fly, or breathe

6 Awesome Animal Sidekicks

In the real world, we rely on animals for many things. Companionship, eyesight, friendship, unconditional love, occasional unwelcome crotch sniffing; the point

6 Unabashed Weirdoes on TV

We recently wrote about 7 guys who put the "man" back in TV because people love to watch men at their best and manliest. But not every character on TV can be a

4 Ways Star Wars and Harry Potter Are the Same

Upon close observation, an acute observer can find many striking (yes striking) similarities between the Star Wars universe and the Harry Potter universe. While

8 Memorable Rock Songs From Movies

What makes a movie great? There are many factors that go into determining whether a given movie is deemed unforgettable or merely watchable by the general

Beloved but Short-Lived Sci-fi Shows

Science fiction fans are known the world over for their incredible (and some might say disturbing) passion and loyalty for their genre of choice. However, all

6 Reasons Highlander Is Awesome

Chances are good that you've seen the movie Highlander. Released in 1986 it starred Christopher Lambert as an immortal Scottish swordsman (hence "Highlander,"

7 Memorable Rap and Hip-Hop Songs From Movies

The music played in movie soundtracks tends to represent the times in which those movies are made. It's only in the last couple of decades that rap and hip-hop