5 Strangest Places in North Korea

North Korea is a land shrouded by mystery, and has remained isolated for decades. As you might expect, this has lead to some… oddities in their culture.

9 Weirdest Proverbs From Around the World

"A dog is a man's best friend.", "Don't put all your eggs in one basket.", "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die."Proverbs are hidden treasures

7 Weird Minor League Baseball Fan Promotions

When it comes to the world of professional sports, the home organization realizes that fans come to the games to be entertained pretty much nonstop, especially

The Tree Man of Java

Dede Koswara is a 35 year old fisherman in Indonesia. As a teenager, he cut his knee, and ever since then strange growths have covered his body. The growths on

10 Most Absurd EBay Auctions That Reached Even More Ridiculous Prices

Thanks to the Internet and online shopping websites like eBay, everyone has the opportunity to either earn some money by putting items they no longer need up for auction or to purchase quite interesting and uncommon things for an affordable amount of money. But, such sites have also enabled the sale of some rather unusual and simply bizarre stuff for unexpectedly high prices. Take a look at our li

Weird Origins of 15 Expressions

Have you ever heard people say things like “it takes two to tango” or “that man has a huge chip on his shoulder” and wondered how the hell such

7 Things You Won’t Believe Are Illegal in the US

Law is the foundation of society; at least that is what they say. We live with the belief that there are people out there who understand legislature and the

The Ten Scariest Hot Sauces

You might be wondering; how do we know these ten hot sauces are the scariest ever produced? We're glad you asked! We use the Scoville scale.The Scoville scale

Most Bizarre Cults

Cults have always been a very intriguing and mysterious aspect of human society, and we’re not just talking about the cult following behind whatever crap Joss

6 Weird Places Where People Actually Live

When we are kids, we often imagine ourselves living in some magnificent, albeit ridiculous places. Castles, moon bases, hobbit holes, submarines, and the list