10 Budget-Friendly Wedding Flower Solutions 2024

Wedding flowers are essential to a romantic and inspiring wedding. Every bride needs a bridal bouquet, as well as flowers...

6 Insane Modern Cures – That Sort of Work

Humanity has come a long way in the field of medicine. No longer are we to subject ourselves to magical spells and leeches, instead relying on the modern

5 Notorious Medical Experiments

Doctors and scientists will tell you the work they do is to benefit mankind. But occasionally their experiments cross a line when their research exists to satisfy their own goals, curiosity… or when the ends can’t justify the means.

10 Most Realistic Transvestites

There are men in this world that would simply look better as a woman. Then there are those men that can pass for a woman. Those are the realistic

Crazy Celebrity Baby Names

The oddities of celebrity behavior never fails to completely baffle me, and this extends into the crazy baby names that they come up with for their children.

8 Weird Human Mutations

Human Mutations are seen as birth defects that a person has to live throughout their life with. Some are very visible to the eye while others can be hidden.

6 Weirdest Feats of Human Strength

Ever since the first caveman lifted more mammoth feces than the rest of his tribe that one time, mankind has been in a race to show off just how strong and

5 Accidental Discoveries

It’s better to be lucky than good. At least, it was for these people who stumbled upon the invention that made them famous enough to be included in stupid internet list articles.

6 Amazing Facts About Penisses

Penisses. Now that we have your attention, we have some pretty awesome facts about dicks. Prepared to be aroused and engorged… by facts!

Top 8 Weird Legal Facts You Didn’t Know

If you’ve ever attempted to navigate the legal system, you will find yourself either lost or thoroughly confused. It’s almost...