10 Most Bizarre Phobias

Just about everyone is afraid of something. It may not rational and it might not even make sense but we allow these phobias to control some part of our lives.

6 Insane Modern Cures – That Sort of Work

Humanity has come a long way in the field of medicine. No longer are we to subject ourselves to magical spells and leeches, instead relying on the modern

5 Unethical Experiments Done in the Name of Science

We all know that since the dawn of time man has wanted nothing more than to get inside another person’s mind and see what kind of stuff they are thinking

5 Strangest Stories About Real Exorcisms

For centuries, exorcism stories have terrified the public. Demonic possession can be creepy and dangerous, and over the years, some unexplainable and sinister cases have happened that sound made up, however, many priests and other witnesses were present during the exorcisms and their records and could be enough to confirm that demonic possessions are actually real. Here are some incredibly scary a

18 Bizarre Phobias People Actually Have

It’s natural to be scared of things. After all, it’d be a little ludicrous to never get frightened, whether your fears revolve around sharks, snakes, spiders, death, or, most understandably of all, clowns. But even with the often very reasonable and understandable phobias out there, people have reportedly been terrified of the most peculiar and seemingly innocuous things imaginable over the years,

6 Amazing Facts About Penisses

Penisses. Now that we have your attention, we have some pretty awesome facts about dicks. Prepared to be aroused and engorged… by facts!

5 (Scientifically) Proven Reasons You Shouldn’t Have Kids

There have been tales of children ruining one's life probably since the dawn of time. Men complain about their kids, women complain about their kids. It's only

6 Weirdest Feats of Human Strength

Ever since the first caveman lifted more mammoth feces than the rest of his tribe that one time, mankind has been in a race to show off just how strong and

4 Facts About Your Body (That Aren’t Even True)

The fact that we live in an age where there virtually all knowledge is at our fingertips… and yet bogus myths about our own bodies continue to persist…

The Stories Behind Four Famous Body Parts

History makes fascinating figures. But more often than not, history also makes fascinating figures out of the body parts of fascinating