Greatest Literary Monsters

As far back as our written history goes, there have been tales of evil creatures set on our destruction. But they frighten us more because of the internal evil

6 Easy Tips To Create a Spa Day At Home

There’s no denying it—anyone can do with the occasional spa day. Giving your body a good old-fashioned time of pampering...

5 Unintentionally Racist Casting Decisions

Let’s just get something straight: like it or not, racism has never exactly been a stranger to cinema. Why do you think there have only been four black men to

Four Famous Generals (And Their Major Mistakes)

Pobody’s nerfect. And while little errors like that don’t mean squat in the scheme of things, the snafu’s committed by the gentlemen were a lot more costly.

Who Are the Sexual Predators? (Inforgaphic)

With hundreds of thousand of registered sexual offenders in the United States, it is no wonder that this serious crime has the public worried about just who

The Possible Non-Delusional Life of Mental Patient Bruce Wayne

Ah Batman. Touted as the “plausible superhero”. I mean, with the right training and gadgets and backstory and billions of dollars, you could be Batman, right? But what if… what if not even Bruce Wayne could be Batman?

10 Most Used Imagined Languages

Occasionally, a work of fiction is so inventive it needs more ways to express itself than possible with just the speech it’s written in, and a new language is

8 of the Worst Wrestling Gimmicks Ever

Laugh all you like, but professional wrestling is the closest thing we have to gladiatorial combat in our modern society. Granted, it's fake and someone being

The Mystery of the Nazca Lines

If the enormous success of TV’s Lost proved anything, it’s that the general public loves a good mystery (if it proved anything else, it’s that in the

7 Assholes From 80’s Movies Who Got What They Deserved

Say what you will about the declining quality of modern cinema and narrative: there’s nothing sweeter than seeing an asshole get their comeuppance. And man, did films of the 1980’s produce some assholes that deserved it.