The Angel of Death and the Twins of Auschwitz

Josef Mengele was a Nazi scientist involved in their famous genetics program that had the task of creating a master race of Aryan people. The job for Mengele,

5 Common Myths About World War II

Get out your history books and your red pens, it’s time to set some things straight about World War II. Just to be safe though, don’t tell Grandpa.

7 Common Misconceptions About History

They say that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. This might be true, but your studies aren’t worth jack if what you learn is a pack of lies, like these commonly believed historical accounts.

7 Weirdest Ancient Artifacts That May Never Be Explained

Over the years, experts have discovered numerous artifacts that date back to the distant past but, unfortunately, they are still not able to determine exactly when and where they originate from, nor what precisely they were used for. Taking into account that those artifacts are thousands of years old, what's even more puzzling is their shape and materials they are made of as well as the fact that

These Are the 10 Most Dangerous Attempts to Fly

We will forever be tempted by the sky. Before we mastered flight we tried all sorts of crazy things. Even after we've worked it out we still try weird ways to reach the heavens. This is a collection of attempts from all throughout history.

Four Famous Generals (And Their Major Mistakes)

Pobody’s nerfect. And while little errors like that don’t mean squat in the scheme of things, the snafu’s committed by the gentlemen were a lot more costly.

Five of the Worst US Presidential Candidates in History

The presidency is probably the most important job in America. And literally anyone can apply. Let that sink in for a second. It’s therefore no surprise that over the course of over two hundred years, some truly awful candidates have presented themselves.

8 Strange and Dangerous Patents

Here are few strange and dangerous patents from years ago when man’s brain was still evolving. When you have a look at these you’ll wonder how we’ve made

17 of the Most Horrifying Torture Devices Ever Conceived

Torture isn’t particularly fun to think about, so we can only imagine how horrific it must be to actually have it done to you. Fortunately we as a society have pretty much done away with forms of brutal torture, unless you’re name is Jack Bauer and you’re just trying to save the world again. But looking back at the way the world used to be is pretty eye opening when you think about the sick deprav

4 Leaders of Daring Rebellions

The great philosophers Twisted Sister one proclaimed “We’re not gonna take it… anymore!” That anti-authoritarian spirit can be found written across the pages of history, as these rebels can well attest.