The Weird History of 6 Articles of Clothing

When do you think people wore the most outlandish fashions? The 1960s? 70s? 80s? Not even close. Throughout history people have been sacrificing their bodies at

6 People Who Almost Changed History

History is strewn with great individuals who managed to invent, assassinate or fight their way into high school textbooks worldwide, changing history with every

Four Famous Generals (And Their Major Mistakes)

Pobody’s nerfect. And while little errors like that don’t mean squat in the scheme of things, the snafu’s committed by the gentlemen were a lot more costly.

You’ll Never See Creepier Masks and Helmets Than These

There's something inherently unnerving about hiding one's face, but some masks and helmets go the extra mile—often times unintentionally. Even when their purpose isn't malicious these eleven examples are amongst the creepiest masks and helmets in history.

4 Lucky Military Moments

It’s not always the strongest or the smartest who wins a battle; sometimes it comes down to dumb luck. Check out the four luckiest moments in military history… at least for the victors.

8 Mysterious Lands That Were Lost in the Ocean

Today, our planet looks completely different compared to 335 million years ago. In fact, there was only one giant continent back then, and it is known as Pangaea. Over time, Pangaea started to separate into multiple smaller landmasses which eventually become the continents we know today. As the massive land was breaking down and changing its looks, not all its parts remained on the surface. Unfort

3 Diabolical Roman Kings (And How Karma Screwed Them All Over)

Before Rome was a republic, it was basically a group of cities dominated by someone who had enough balls to call himself ruler of them. We say that they needed

7 Incredible Things You Never Knew About the Flag of the USA

Americans love the Stars and Stripes and a lot of that is due to the history of the US and the meaning of what the flag represents. It is one of the most famous flags and symbols on this planet that has also been planted in space, however, there are a lot of things that people don’t know about the flag. Here are some interesting facts that will definitely surprise you.

5 People Who Rode the Crazy Train to Fame and Fortune

The modern world of psychiatry has done its best to rid the world of mental imbalance. For any abnormal behavior, science has or is working on a pill or therapy

6 Strange Mysteries of the Great Sphinx

Ancient Egypt is perhaps best symbolized by the Pyramids along with the Great Sphinx, a magnificent yet incredibly mysterious statue and structure. Over the centuries, many have speculated about the Sphinx's real purpose, but very little has actually been discovered. The Sphinx is surrounded by questions and theories, so here are some of the most puzzling and intriguing mysteries about this magnif