The Five Failed Video Game Consoles (That Had it Coming)

Video games have a long and complex history. The Atari crash. Nintendo saving the entire industry. The rise of Sony. And even today a game console designed for

3 Steps of History and Evolution of Perfume

Human beings discovered perfume thousands of years ago, but it was very different from the ones you can buy in...

How To Block Ads On YouTube – 4+ Methods To Disable Them

How to disable or remove ads on YouTube, computer, Android, iOS The main problem for most users of the YouTube video...

8 Fetishes Stranger Than Usual

According to the hit television show (and Weirdworm’s personal Bible) “Diffr'nt Strokes”, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. Indeed, what

10 of the Weirdest Ways to Get Married

For many folks planning on taking the big step is no simple walk down the aisle. They want to start out their life together on the weird side.1. Skydiving

15 Bizarre Pick-up Lines

LinkI interviewed hundreds of thousands of people in my quest to find the strangest things to say to a stranger. According to my interviewees, these lines

8 Tips for Building your Own Home Cinema Room

Imagine a lazy Sunday afternoon, snuggling in the room and watching your favorite shows and movies with friends and family....

5 Bizarre Board Games

It has been found that family game nights are a way of bonding and it will help with learning and social skills as a teenager in your child. Games can teach

7 Cool Things You’d Want to Add to Your Game Room

For many of us, having a dedicated game room is a childhood dream come true. Whether it’s a family room...

Top 5 most expensive Tamil music videos ever

Of all those expensive music videos from Tamil, the top most expensive music video has been made by Bollywood. This...