Travelling with children can be overwhelming for any first-time parents or even experienced ones. It doesn’t matter how many times you have travelled, the journey has its own set of challenges whenever travelling with kids.
Knowing what to expect beforehand and being prepared for it can make a huge difference for you and your kids. So there are lots of things you can do to make travelling with kids less of a hassle.
We have compiled a list of suggestions that you can do before going on a trip with small kids. These suggestions might make your trip a little less challenging. Let’s take a look.
1. Take a morning flight

Early morning flights are your best chance to avoid takeoff and landing delays as these flights are less crowded and are always on time. As people don’t usually travel early in the morning, there is less crowd and your kids can even enjoy extra seats.
Another reason to catch an early flight is that everyone is tired already and just wants to nap, especially the kids. So once you settle down on the plane, your kids may go to sleep and you can enjoy a few hours of peace.
As an additional precaution, choose flights that don’t have long layovers or late connections so that kids don’t get fed up.
2. Choose economy class

Travelling in first class with kids can be quite uncomfortable. If your baby cries or a toddler throws a tantrum during flight, the stares you get from first-class passengers can be quite demeaning for a parent. Choose to travel in the economy as you might get empathy and support from fellow parents.
3. Get Vaccines Done
Before travelling out of the country, information on what vaccinations needs to be done before travelling. Vaccines are done to ensure you don’t carry any virus to the destination or you don’t contract the virus once you reach there.
4. Leave for Airport before time
When travelling with family, especially kids, you should consider time. To avoid panic, leave for the airport well before the departure time of the flight as many things take time before the flight such as checking in, getting through security and boarding the plane.
Make sure you have plenty of time to deal with things and toddler tantrums before the flight. If you are short of time you will get mentally tired way before the flight and it will not be a pleasant experience for yourself and your kids.
5. Plan the tour

You should not only plan flight schedules but plan the whole trip as well. Consider planning a trip loose in time as you will get anxious during a tightly scheduled trip. Kids need time to get used to their surroundings and if you drag them everywhere in a short of time, they will get agitated and you may be the target of their tantrums.
To avoid the wrath of kids temper, try to plan the whole trip with hours for leisure. You cannot plan the tour of 4 museums, restaurants, bike rides and a walking tour all on the same day. A flexible schedule will leave plenty of room for adjustments for the kids and it will be less stressful for you as well.
6. Pack medical supplies
It is common for kids to contract any health issue when travelling to a new area or during a flight. Pack some necessary medical supplies that you think you might need during travelling. If you think your kids might throw up or catch up a fever then take their medicines along. Or you can order medical supplies from pharmacies like 90daymeds.com that provide delivery.

7. Mentally prepare the kids
It might work for you if you talk to your kids before the trip about what they can expect during travel. Talk about how long they might have to sit on the plane and walk or stay in one place once they reach the destination. Talking about travel plans might make the kids less anxious and they will get mentally prepared for what is coming next.
8. Take help of technology
Although screen time is not good for kids it is the only saviour during a flight. You can opt for colouring books and other analogue activities to take with you but once they get tired of it you can switch on the tablet and play them fun YouTube videos. Go for long YouTube videos which keep the kids entertained or create a playlist. Download fun games to keep them entertained as well.

9. Dress in less challenging clothing
Keep in mind the weather changes during the trip. Kids tend to react to weather changes rapidly than adults. So keep clothing in hand according to the weather of the destination. Don’t wear or pack shoes with laces. Also, pack clothes that can be worn easily and don’t require help. Keep the change of clothes in reach as you might need them during a flight in case any kid throws up or dirty their clothes.
10. Don’t pack more than you need

Avoid overpacking during travel and only take things which you think you might need. Bring kids items that are in their consistent use only. Also, pack only so much that you can handle easily. It will be very troublesome for you if you go on to pack more items than necessary and then have to drag the bag everywhere you go. This will be a disaster if you plan on taking a tour with the kids.
11. Consider using a stroller
If you are going to a destination that involves walking, pack a stroller or rent one when you reach there. It is not a good idea to carry the kid in your lap at all times as you will get tired and the kid will be uncomfortable as well. You can request a stroller at the hotel where you are staying and they will arrange one for you.