SEO professionals are always overburdened to worry about different factors that might affect search engine ranking. Previously, we were worried about the inbound links, quality and original content production, easy to navigate sitemaps, keywords, and a lot more.
Now, the newer stuff is making us anxious like voice search, mobile-first indexation, featured search engine result page snippets, and more.
There’s a lot of noise about different influencing factors. Mostly, one factor is overlooked, and others are keenly observed. In this fiercely competitive era, to maintain organic performance, there are plenty of essential elements that we need to take into consideration.
From a Technical SEO standpoint, the most important factor is the web hosting server you have chosen to host your site. The overall consistency in the site’s performance is the pivotal factor in determining your organic search ranking.
Google prefers to deliver advanced user-experience to the users. If the user is experiencing server errors and page timeouts and your bounce rate has increased, it means you need to switch web host.
Of course, everyone is in need of a healthy web hosting service that can help to stimulate organic efforts instead of impeding them savagely. To give a perfect user-friendly experience, you need to check server status from time to time. Our check server status online tool can help you out in this regard to know about server status.
3Web Server Hosting – Does It Affect SEO?

The reliability of web hosting is a crucial aspect of technical search engine optimization. You can’t separate technical SEO from general on-site and off-site optimization. Therefore, the only way to survive in this competition is to have to work on both ends.
High Server Up-time
If your hosting provider is offering high up-time, then there’s no doubt they are arguably delivering SEO-friendly service. Generally, up-time means the percentage of time your site is accessible to the users. If your uptime is higher, people will discover your site more. If the server status is down, then the users will bounce-back, and there’s a potential risk of losing search engine ranking.
Server Location
Server up-time refers to the accessibility of your site. Still, along with that, the server location plays a crucial role in dictating how quickly it can be accessible to the internet user.
If the sever plan is based upon VPS, shared, or dedicated hosting, your data is stored in a physical server. While if you’re using a cloud server, your data is hosted somewhere in the cloud storage virtually.
So, if you have diagnosed the issue related to server location, then you should move towards Content Delivery Network (CDN). It will let the user get access to site content from the nearest available Server.
2Server Optimization & CDN

First things first, before starting or implementing SEO strategies, we need to choose the Server keenly. We need to take an in-depth look at some of the things:
– Diagnosing old webpages that might be cached by search engine
– File Permissions
– Hierarchy of file folders
– Placement of images, folders, files, and other related sources
There are chances that a huge chunk of websites might be sitting on the same Server. At first glance, it might seem to be nothing, but actually, it can have a significant impact. For instance, you are redirecting the user from one webpage to another, and in the Google index library, both the pages are indexed with the same content.
Google might assume that you may be using plagiarized content. It can seriously harm your ranking, and you may also have to bear severe consequences from Google.
The best way to boost your site’s speed performance is to use the Content Delivery Network. It will let you deploy your static content (CSS. JavaScript, Images, videos, and Graphic Content) in a matter of split second.
It delivers the site content to the user by directing it from the closest location; it will have a considerable impact on the response time of your Server. CDN is specially designed for bigger websites with tons of content, but even small websites can use this source to boost their site’s speed performance.
The content delivery network service is mostly paid, but there are free ones as well. However, the plan you are choosing determines the efficiency of the network.
If you are already using a content delivery network, you can check online site status with our tool. It will let you figure out your up-time and down-time at different times.
1How to Check Server Status Online?

Some online software provides server status checker tools. Some of them are free to use if you want to pay to get access to this tool. Internet is swamped with server down check online utilities, but some tool stands out from the rest due to advanced features.
Below you’ll find some simple steps to check the webserver status.
– To use server status checker tool, you’ll have to visit our webpage https://searchenginereports.net/ssl-checker
– Afterward, you can enter up to 10 domain URLs to check the webserver status.
– The tool will instantly fetch the result and display either the Server is up or down.