5 Movies You Might Not Know Were Remakes

Hollywood is so devoid of original ideas these days that it’s rare to see a flick hit the screen that wasn’t already a TV show, book, video game, action figure or amusement park ride. And when it’s not one of those, it’s probably just a remake, even if you hadn’t heard of the original…

5 Reasons Why Bane Is Secretly a Really Lame Villain

Bane. Awesome name, kinda not as awesome a villain. Sure he’s got muscles and some pretty good brains to boot, but was he ever really that great an adversary for the caped crusader? Take a look at the facts before you decide…

4 Unexplained Explosions

Explosions are attention grabbers, as the Hollywood crowd can easily attest. But what about mysterious explosions? Screenwriters are no doubt scrambling to harness the power of this combination.

4 Benefits of Implementing Zero Trust Network Access for Your Business

Today's mobile workforce requires secure and seamless remote access. Creating strong policies that verify users, devices, and applications takes time,...

10 Weird Almost Nations

Got a problem with your country? Why not form one of your very own, with laws you choose yourself?A micronation is a tiny, self-proclaimed sovereign state.

The Ten Scariest Hot Sauces

You might be wondering; how do we know these ten hot sauces are the scariest ever produced? We're glad you asked! We use the Scoville scale.The Scoville scale

7 Coolest ‘Weird Buildings’

Designing a weird building is pretty simple: choose a form in which buildings are not usually built (a top hat, a strawberry, male genitalia etc) and then build

5 Terrible Sleeping Disorders That Anyone Could Have

We believe it was Nelson Mandela who once opined “Sleep! That's where I'm a viking!” Indeed, truer words were never spoken. Sleep is the one part of our

5 Best to Worst Youngified Movie Characters

Thanks to computers, Hollywood effects are making giant leaps forward in terms of fooling audiences. The problem with being on the cutting edge is that a couple of months and a few million dollars can be the difference between your effect blowing minds or just blowing.

4 Alternative Bibles

1.The Porn Star BibleOne of the primary teachings of Christianity is to love everybody. Forgiveness is key; because we are all born sinners none of us are