5 Most Gigantic Instruments in the History of Science

Science is rarely as interesting as it appears in the media. Scientists working on cloning spend most of their time putting small amounts of chemicals onto

3 Bizarre Theories About Aliens

ALIENS. Now that we have your attention, we’d like to talk to you about aliens. Specifically, what other people are saying about them. Then we can go on to discuss the sanity of those people.

6 Weird Scientific Studies

1.The "The" StudyPerhaps wanting to prove that she is second to none in the prestigious town of Crazyville, Glenda Brown carried out a study on the word

5 Mysteries of the Brain

Prepare to have your mind blown as we examine the mysteries of perhaps the most important human organ…

6 Insane Ways People Have Tried to Control the Weather

Weather control isn’t just for Greek gods and supervillains anymore. Check out six ways we’re trying to put Mother Nature in a headlock made of science.

9 Insane Natural Phenomena

People generally place the natural world in high esteem. Property values are high near parks. “Getting back to nature” is considered a good thing. Even our

Ten Free Construction Projects (That Are Really Bad Ideas)

For as long as man has walked the earth, and has any technical aptitude, he's really wanted to make all sorts of cool stuff. We're pretty sure most weapons

6 Inventions That Have Gotten Worse Over Time

We like to think that, as humans, we are good at inventing things. After all, we're the species that came up with controlled fire, the wheel, sliced bread, and

5 Weird Sleep Syndromes

Feeling a little rundown? Lacking pep? That get up and go feeling? Either you’re spending too much time reading list articles on the internet or you have one of these bizarre sleep syndromes…

10 Flying Cars (That Are “Just Around the Corner”)

When people talk about the future, there are probably three things that they consider to be truly futuristic: cures for all diseases (to make sex risk free),