8 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Movie Sex Scenes

A well placed and filmed sex scene can enhance a film, particularly if it helps serve the story and isn’t a gratuitous attempt to get a little nudity into the running time. However, it’s amazing how badly anyone outside of the adult film industry can get these scenes so horribly, horribly wrong. It feels like more often than not, movie sex scenes just make the audience uneasy and wishing they were

7 Movie Mentors Who Failed Miserably

The desire for a mentor is deep-seated in the human race. Someone to teach hand-to-hand combat and ancient ninja skills so that we can go on to save the

5 Embarrassing TV Spin Offs of Popular Movies

We all love losing ourselves in the movies, and often wish the stories would continue so we could find out what happened to our favorite characters. Sometimes

5 Awesome TV Wingmen

When push comes to shove you need someone you can trust at your back, even if that person is a fictional television character.

How to Fix Your Broken Movie Franchises

If you’re reading this then you’re likely just as big a movie geek as we are here at Weirdworm. In fact, if it weren’t for ridiculous responsibilities

Top 4 Deceptively Deadly Film/TV Creatures

In the long history of cinema and television there have been a number of memorable creatures. Some have been friendly and some have been rather nasty. The

7 Great Movies You’ll Probably Never See

We always talk about how there’s so little originality in Hollywood, with everything coming out seemingly a sequel, a remake, a reboot, or based on some other existing property. But there are original ideas floating around Hollywood, and they are ideas that would make for terrific films. The trouble is that, for whatever reason, they can never seem to get past the script stage. Here are some of th

7 Memorable Rap and Hip-Hop Songs From Movies

The music played in movie soundtracks tends to represent the times in which those movies are made. It's only in the last couple of decades that rap and hip-hop

Nine Forgotten Franchises

Franchises have incredible power in pop culture. They carry TV shows, book series, movies, and make the creator a lot of money. But even the biggest franchise

Evolution of Horror Legends: Hannibal Lecter

Once again, we take you on a guided tour of the things that scare you most. This time, we examine a man that is willing to get in your head in more ways than one…