5 Great Fictional US Presidents

Everyone can name the current US president. Most can name the one before that… and probably the one before that… and it’s around that point that most people have an easier time remembering dudes who played the president on TV or in the movies than the guys who actually held the office.

5 Strange Haunted Places in America

People have been debating the existence of ghosts (or spirits or restless souls or whatever) for millennia. Here are five unusual spots from the States that claim to have the goods.

5 MORE Popular Nerd Arguments – Because 10 Wasn’t Enough

On the messageboards, the forums, the IRC channels of the land a never-ending war rages on. Manchildren type their fingers to the bone, bringing pwnage to all who dare question the absolute truth of their scifi knowledge…

Four Stories of Alleged Time Travellers

It’s commonly accepted that we’ll someday travel among the stars and explore the universe, but few can imagine what it would be like to travel through time… except the people claiming they already have.

5 Losses at Sea That We Will Probably Never Know the Cause Of

Investigators use sophisticated technology, meticulous record keeping and prompt response times to make sense of crime scenes. Their job is much more difficult when the scene is at the bottom of the sea.

4 Infamous Unidentified Criminals

It’s hard to make a name for yourself in any profession, even it’s a decidedly criminal one. Even more rare are those that find fame – or infamy – without ever being named.

5 Legendary Duels

Ah, the good old days. Sure racism and sexism were everywhere… and people died all the time of diseases we have cures for… and there was no internet… but at least you could legally kill someone who pissed you off, if you were man enough to do it to his face.

5 Common Misconceptions About Islam

If you learned most of what you know about the Muslim faith from Fox News and Team America, the odds are you're in for a rude awakening.

5 Common Misconceptions About the Bible

Like it or not, the Old and New Testament are ingrained in our culture. And like anything that resides in the cultural milieu, much of what you think you know is probably wrong.

4 Famously Unsolved Codes

See if you can break this code: 4-18-9-14-11 25-15-21-18 15-22-1-12-20-9-14-5 1-14-4 3-12-9-3-11 20-8-9-19 12-9-14-11!