8 Strange Historic Jobs

Chances are you don’t love your job. If you’re like most people, you have to get up in the morning and sit in front of a computer for hours compiling excel

3 People Who Actually Predicted the Future

Lately, with the Mayan 2012 Apocalypse scheduled to rip humanity a new asshole in less than 3 years now, the idea of clairvoyance has been hotter than 2

10 of the Most Shockingly Embarrassing Presidential Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. But when you're vying for the highest office in the land (or after you're already in office) you should try that much harder not to look foolish. The following list captures some of the most embarrassing moments in the careers of presidents and would-be presidents alike.

Hoaxes and Conspiracies

I think people really like to read stories about hoaxes and conspiracy theories and that is why there are so many lists related to these topics. Weird Worm

Political Lies and Weird Campaigns

Politics can get weird. This is to be expected since the stakes are high and money or power drives some folks to extremes. Then again, some of these people

Weird Jewelry Pieces

Every girl likes a piece of jewelry that makes a statement. Whether you choose to make a statement about who you are or you tend to accentuate your weirder

5 of the Weirdest Flowers

When you think of flowers you probably think of gardens full of roses or a rolling green field dotted with crisp looking daisies. These flowers will have you

The 3 Biggest Things Done in a Small Amount of Time

When a big project needs doing, you will always hear the builders bitching about the amount of time and manpower it’ll take to finish such a ‘massive’

How To Create Drum Tracks ─ A Beginner’s Guide For Non Drummers

Before diving into the intricacies of creating drum tracks, it's crucial to familiarize ourselves with some basic drumming terminology. By...

Weird Things People Have Been Arrested For

It’s not really a secret that there’s a lot of crime in the world, and there are some real, tough, big time criminals out prowling the streets, making you