WormCast Ep01 – Weird Wills

The thought of mortality has crossed everyone’s mind around the time they turned past 28 and suddenly realized that maybe, just maybe, they are not awesome

The Best and Worst Theories About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Over the last several weeks, the story that has dominated headlines has been the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which departed from Kuala Lumpur and began making its way to Beijing, only to drop completely off the radar and vanish 40 minutes into the flight. Naturally, conspiracy theories and tales of potential hijackings gone awry have sprung up all around the internet. Some of th

6 Baffling Acts of Criminal Stupidity

It’s true you can’t go to jail for being stupid. But for these less than brilliant fellows, forays into a life of crime were essentially doomed from the start.

The 3 Biggest Things Done in a Small Amount of Time

When a big project needs doing, you will always hear the builders bitching about the amount of time and manpower it’ll take to finish such a ‘massive’

The 7 Best Google Hoaxes (That You Wish Were Real)

Google likes to celebrate every holiday in some way. Usually they do so by manipulating the Google logo on their homepage. But when April 1st rolls around

5 MORE Popular Nerd Arguments – Because 10 Wasn’t Enough

On the messageboards, the forums, the IRC channels of the land a never-ending war rages on. Manchildren type their fingers to the bone, bringing pwnage to all who dare question the absolute truth of their scifi knowledge…

5 Fictional Things People Actually Practice

When you’re a kid, it is often fun to get lost in a world of make believe. You can pretend that you’re a knight rescuing a damsel in distress, or a mutant

4 Historic Conspiracy Theories

Most conspiracy theories deal with shadowy societies that control our lives/governments/meat supply. But there are also those that make claims about historical events and individuals… claims that ultimately matter little and are usually unprovable. Or as conspiracy theorists would say: goldmines.

5 People Who Rode the Crazy Train to Fame and Fortune

The modern world of psychiatry has done its best to rid the world of mental imbalance. For any abnormal behavior, science has or is working on a pill or therapy

Four Least-Likely Saviors in History

Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the most important figure in human history. You can try to argue it all you want, but the facts are against you on this one. No one