5 Unethical Experiments Done in the Name of Science

We all know that since the dawn of time man has wanted nothing more than to get inside another person’s mind and see what kind of stuff they are thinking

Strangest Psychological Disorders

There are a number of strange phobias and obsessive disorders than can affect people, and then there are those that made this list. Through years of intense

5 Mysteries of the Brain

Prepare to have your mind blown as we examine the mysteries of perhaps the most important human organ…

10 Budget-Friendly Wedding Flower Solutions 2024

Wedding flowers are essential to a romantic and inspiring wedding. Every bride needs a bridal bouquet, as well as flowers...

5 Strange Eating Disorders

Most of us are familiar with certain eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia are the major focus in the media and most commonly covered in health classes /

5 Weird Sleep Syndromes

Feeling a little rundown? Lacking pep? That get up and go feeling? Either you’re spending too much time reading list articles on the internet or you have one of these bizarre sleep syndromes…

Crazy Celebrity Baby Names

The oddities of celebrity behavior never fails to completely baffle me, and this extends into the crazy baby names that they come up with for their children.

6 Tips How To Consciously Develop Your Mindfulness

We hardly have time for ourselves in stressful everyday life. We work and forget to be careful with ourself and...

Top 8 Weird Legal Facts You Didn’t Know

If you’ve ever attempted to navigate the legal system, you will find yourself either lost or thoroughly confused. It’s almost...

The 5 Weirdest Things People Have Fallen in Love With

1. The Berlin WallIn the last months of 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down and Germans were tearfully reunited with long lost friends and family, most people