5 Barbie Knockoffs

The Barbie doll was introduced by the Mattel toy company in 1959 and had great success. However, the problem with success is that it inspires knockoffs. For

11 Totally Weird Looking Mascots

In high school, I was a Cobra. That was embarrassing. In college I was a Mariner. That was boring. Then I became a teacher at a school that bore uniforms

The 10 Most Egocentric Cartoon Characters

Cartoon characters are meant to be fun, entertaining and sometimes teach us how not to act. These characters have an ego on them the size of a freight train and

6 Types of StarCraft II Players

There are two types of people on this planet (and off of it, we suppose, if we include spacefarers in this statement): those who play StarCraft II online, and

8 Tips for a Memorable First Date

A promising date is something that most people look forward to. However, preparing for it can be a heart-wrecking and...

7 Strange Airplane Designs

You put a lot of trust in airline companies to get you from A to B without, you know, crashing. But if you’re being seated in one of these planes, we’d suggest the bus.

5 of the Weirdest Ways to Die

1. Too much of a good thing - Water IntoxicationIn June of 2007 Jennifer Lea Strange joined a short list of people who drank themselves to death with water

13 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Fallout Series

For those who either spend their time under a rock or, more appropriately, have been trapped in an underground Vault for the past 200 years, the Fallout series is a wildly popular video game franchise. In each installment, you take on the role of a post-apocalyptic survivor in a barren wasteland of what used to be the United States, try to survive, and fight unholy monsters like – and Fallout play

Top 10 Bachelor Party Ideas For 2024

Meta Description: Looking for unforgettable and creative bachelor party ideas? From the indoors to outdoors, check out some unique bachelor...

9 Local Commericals: So Bad They Are Good & So Bad They Are Bad

When economic times are tough, small companies and businesses are often the first to feel the hits. In order to get some cash flowing again many a proprietor