20 Infamous S*x Scandals of Modern History

Everyone loves a good old fashioned scandal. Add in a little bit of sex just to spice things up, and it’s ratings heaven for journalists, and can also help boost the public profiles of the people involved. Sometimes those involved are submitted to public shame, while others use their new notoriety to slingshot themselves into the spotlight and gain fame and fortune. For better or worse, the public

5 Dark Facts About Hollywood

We rarely look past the money and fame when it comes to Hollywood but recent scandals have made people wonder about what really goes on behind the scenes. Lifestyles of the biggest stars are incredibly complicated, especially when you see what they have to do every day to stay rich and famous. Check out some dark facts and stories about Hollywood that will definitely change your perspective.

5 Celebrities With Unexpected Hobbies

Get ready to have your celebrity crush ruined forever when you find out what they do in their spare time.

Charismatic NFL Players Who Became Hollywood Actors

We can see that it is not uncommon to see ex-athletes change professions in their later stages of life. Sure,...