Top 10 Countries on Earth, as Voted by Aliens

Where do Aliens go on holiday? Well, the Earth would be an obvious answer, but where on the Earth? Thanks to TV and Film, many people believe that Aliens visit

3 Bizarre Theories About Aliens

There's a lot we don't know about the universe around us, which has given us quite a bit of room for speculation. The field of extraterrestrial theory is a

3 Bizarre Theories About Aliens

ALIENS. Now that we have your attention, we’d like to talk to you about aliens. Specifically, what other people are saying about them. Then we can go on to discuss the sanity of those people.

5 Pathetic Alien Invaders

Unless you count the cast of Jersey Shore, alien cultures have not actually invaded Earth yet. It’s all the creative territory of television, movies, comic

4 Awesome Sci-Fi Ideas (That We Tried and Didn’t Like)

Science fiction books and movies offer an infinite realm of seemingly awesome possibilities. All it takes is the right genius at the right time (and the right